Checkout From GIT 101

  1. Install Git on your local machine by visiting the official website and downloading the appropriate version for your operating system.
  2. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you want to create a local copy of the repository.
  3. Run the command “git clone [repository URL]” to create a local copy of the repository on your machine. The repository URL can be found on the GitHub website by navigating to the repository and clicking the “Clone or download” button.
  4. Once the repository has been cloned, navigate the newly created directory by running the command “cd [repository name]”.
  5. To check out a specific branch, run the command “git checkout [branch name]”. This will switch your local repository to the specified branch, allowing you to make changes and view the code for that branch.
  6. You can also create a new branch by running the command “git checkout -b [new branch name]”. This will create a new branch and switch your local repository to that branch.
  7. To view the list of branches, run the command “git branch”. This will display a list of all branches in the repository, including the current branch.
  8. Once you have made the changes to the code, you can commit them by running “git commit -am “[commit message]”
  9. To push the commit to the remote repository, you can use the command “git push origin [branch name]”
  10. Once you are done with the changes and ready to merge them to the main branch, you can create a pull request on the GitHub website.

Finally, you can merge the pull request once the reviewers approve it.

** This is a general outline for checking out a repository from GitHub and making changes to the code. It’s important to note that Git is a complex tool with many other commands and options available.